Below are links to items that, as a parent, you might need to be aware of it.
As a club we are determined to make your child’s experience at the club an enjoyable one. We are working hard to ensure that we ‘coach the child, before the sport’ and so our grading policies, match day game time policy, match day warm up, the style and content in coaching sessions reflects this ambition.
So below are links to the policies that will affect your child, and we request that, if you feel that these policies are not being followed, then can you please let us know so that we can make sure that things are brought back in line with club policies.
If you are comfortable approaching your team coach directly then this would be a quick way to get things back on track. If you are not comfortable with this approach, then get in touch with the TD [either directly, or via a committee member].
To download a copy of our 2019 Information Booklet please click here.