Click here for 2022 Committee Nomination Form
Position Description – President
To ensure the club promotes the participation and achievement of its teams. Ensure the club is run efficiently administratively, financially and socially to support all on-field activities.
The President helps the committee prioritise its goals and keeps the committee on track by working within the club’s framework. At an operational level, the major function of the President is to facilitate effective committee meetings.
- Ensure committee members, team manager and coaches fulfil their responsibilities to the club.
- Attend FFV and Council meetings/forums where relevant.
- Manage/Chair monthly committee meetings and the clubs AGM.
- Discuss the agenda items prior to each committee meeting with the Secretary and ensure that it is circulated to relevant members in plenty of time.
- Ensure that all sub-committees are accountable and responsible.
- Report activities of the portfolio to the membership of the AGM.
- Ensure that planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of members.
- Review Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Competition.
- Adopt risk management, smoke free, sun smart, code of conduct and safe alcohol policies.
- Be a facilitator for club activities.
- Be available to handle any disputes.
- Liaise with relevant stakeholders including local Council.
- The President reports to the club’s members and General Committee of the club.
- A close relationship is required with all FFV departments.
- Supports all managers, committee members, coaches, players and staff.
- The President is accountable to the members and General Committee of the club.
- The estimated time commitment required as the President is 3-4 hours per week.
- Well informed of all club activities.
- Aware of the future direction and plans of club meetings.
- Able to chair committee or executive meetings.
- A good understanding of league requirements at local, regional and higher levels.
- Possesses a good working knowledge of the club’s Constitution, rules and the duties of its office holders and sub-committees.
- Well versed in the rules or procedures for varying meeting types and unbiased and impartial on all issues.
- Well informed about the purpose of any meeting and items to be covered and is able to avoid repetition, arguments, interruptions and deviation from the matter under discussion.
- Receptive to change.
- Dedicated club person.
- Be approachable.
- Ability to plan events and activities for a year.
- Financial skills/knowledge.
- Communication and negotiating skills.
- Listening skills.
Position Description – Treasurer
To ensure that a financial management and reporting system is put in place and operable so the club committee has an accurate understanding of the financial status of the club at all times.
- Prepare budget, in consultation with the committee to reflect income and expenditure of the club for presentation at the first meeting of the year.
- Ensure all staff, team managers and coaches do not exceed authority ceilings for financial expenditure without reference to the General Committee.
- Attend to general banking activities.
- Maintain accurate records of income and expenditure.
- Report to the General Committee on a monthly basis.
- Present all accounts for payment for approval.
- Arrange invoices for periodical payments.
- Make details of all accounts available to the club committee and members as provided in the Corporate Affairs Act.
- Organise collection of funds from various events for banking.
- Oversee and seek reports of all other accounts held by sections of the club.
- Ensure all taxation commitments are met by the club.
- Ensure the club finances are appropriately audited.
- Prepare annual financial accounts for auditing and provide the auditor with necessary information.
- Report activities of the portfolio to the membership at the AGM.
- Be one of several signatories – two on each club cheque.
- Monitor sponsorship funds.
- Attend monthly club committee meetings.
- Liaise with FFV regarding financial payment system.
- Attend FFV financial training session as required.
- Reports to the President and General Committee.
- Liaise with all members of the Club with financial responsibility.
- Liaise with external creditors and debtors.
- The Treasurer is accountable to the President and General Committee.
- The Treasurer shall seek ratification from the General Committee of a club budget, including debt reduction and there after shall have the authority to act within the limits of the budget and strategy approved.
- The Treasurer shall provide a monthly report to the General Committee of all financial transactions.
- The estimated time commitment required as the Treasurer is up to 2 hours per week. This will increase at the end of the season to prepare the final books prior to the AGM.
- Enthusiastic and well organised.
- Ability to keep sound records.
- Ability to allocate regular time periods to maintain the books.
- Diligent with receipts and money.
- Ability to work in a logical and orderly manner.
- Willing to learn new skills if necessary.
- Dedicated club person.
- Honest and trustworthy.
- Financial accounting experience.
- Negotiating skills.
- Computer skills.
Position Description – Secretary
The club secretary is primarily responsible for all administration duties and provides the coordinating link between member, the committee and various stakeholders.
- Establish a meeting schedule for General and Executive Committees for the current year.
- Provide secretarial support to the committee, including preparing agendas in consultation with the President.
- Collect and collate reports from office bearers.
- Prepare minutes of all committee and General Meetings of the club, distribute them in accordance with the club’s Constitution and file appropriately.
- Collate and arrange for the printing of the annual report.
- Prepare a comprehensive report of all activities of the club for presentation to members at the AGM.
- Maintain an accurate copy of the Rules and By-Laws of the club.
- Maintain registers of members’ details plus life members and sponsors.
- Be familiar with the roles of the Club, Competition, FFV and any other body that has governance. Give advice to the President and committee as required.
- Receive all correspondence directed to the club, inform President, react, follow up and distribute to appropriate members.
- Ensure all licenses required by the club are current.
- Coordinate team reports for club newsletter, email.
- Act as the Public Officer of the club (Consumer Affairs Victoria – Incorporated Association).
- Complete annual statements as required by the Incorporations Act.
- Maintain sponsorship records.
- Notice to FFV and relevant stakeholders regarding changes to committee members and key contacts.
- President and General Committee.
- Liaises with all team managers, coaches, players, parents and club staff.
- Will be in regular contact with FFV, Council and other external stakeholders.
- The Secretary is accountable to the President and General Committee.
- The estimated time commitment required as the Secretary is 2-3 hours per week during the season. This may be increased at the beginning of the season.
- Enthusiasm and dedication.
- Good leadership skills.
- Good listening ability.
- Effective communicator.
- Clear thinker and positive attitude.
- Able to maintain confidentiality on relevant matters.
- Ability to control and supervise others.
- Organise and delegate tasks.
- Well organised.
- Dedicated club person.
- Minute taking skills.
- Typing/computer skills.
- Negotiating skills.
- Empathy with varying groups of people.
Position Description – Communications Manager
To facilitate and support communications to club members as well as the wider community through the newsletter, ongoing electronic communiques within the club, the club website etc. The Communications Manager will also ensure that the club is presented in a consistent and professional manner in all communications.
- Manage the organisation and content of the club website.
- Ensure members a subscribed to club apps such as TeamApp and FaceBook so that they can follow any club news in a timely manner.
- Manage appropriate permissions and approvals for images and content being published by the club such as player photos.
- Ensure a club newsletter is published regularly as agreed by the committee.
- Liaise with all sections of the club to obtain news items and publishes these in an appropriate forum.
- Ensure sponsors are properly represented throughout all club communications.
- Reports to the President and General Committee.
- Work with all teams to get input into newsletters.
- Able to establish relationships with schools and other community groups in order to promote the club.
- It is the Communications Managers responsibility to ensure all club communications are consistently branded and that colours and text are consistent with the club’s image.
- Ensure that the website is current and relevant.
- That the communications apps used for club communications are correctly configured and implements.
- The estimated time commitment required for the Communications Managers is about to 2 hours per week.
- Strong communication and listening skills.
- Familiar with a range of communications apps and tools.
- Good writing skills across a range of media outlets.
- Sound working knowledge of digital and social media.
- A self-starter with creativity, lots of initiative, sound judgement and ability to work both independently and in a team.
Position Description – Registration Manager
To manage and administer the club’s membership in an effective and efficient manner. This includes close liaison with Football Federation Victoria through the MyFootballClub database system.
- Develop and maintain strategies for the ongoing expansion of the membership base of the club.
- Develop proposal for membership fees and arrangements for the ensuing season for consideration by the General Committee.
- Liaise with team coaches and team managers, including the SSF coordinator, to ensure all membership fees are collected in a timely and efficient manner.
- Provide the committee with recommendations for improvements to membership practices for consideration prior to the Annual General Meeting.
- Provide membership packages to all members.
- Provide all members’ details to the Secretary to maintain the club database.
- Follow up with a reminder letter to those members from previous years, who have not renewed their membership.
- Understand FFV MyFootballClub system and attend ‘System Training’ session at the beginning of the season or as required by FFV or the club.
- Liaise with FFV as required to keep accurate club contact details (President, Secretary, Treasurer) using the MyFootballClub system.
- Implement Privacy Act requirements regarding all membership information.
- Assist the club and FFV to promote and implement the self-registration option via MyFootballClub.
- Check club email address on a daily basis for updated Registration information.
- Process registrations via MyFootballClub as required for members (players, volunteers, coaches etc).
- Maintain member details as required by MyFootballClub.
- The Registration Manager reports to the President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Committee.
- Liaises with FFV Registration Team, Competitions Department and Finance Team.
- Will have a close relationship with team coaches and team managers.
- The Registration Manager is accountable to the President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The estimated time commitment required as the Registration Manager is up to 2 hours per week. This will be increased at the beginning of the season.
- Computer literate in the various Microsoft applications.
- Good communication skills.
- Passionate about the club and dedicated to improving club practices.
- Well organised and able to work under pressure, especially at the beginning of the season.
- Financial skills/knowledge.
- Report writing skills for General Committee reports.
- Knowledge of the club membership packages and external requirements (FFV membership fees etc).
Position Description – Facilities Manager
Facilities Manager
To ensure club facilities are maintained and well presented in line with Monash City Council standards as well as the expectations of the club. These facilities include the pavilion, change rooms, toilets and access gates.
- Liaise with the committee as well as team coaches and managers to identify when the access to facilities is required.
- Ensure someone is available to open and lock rooms or adequate procedures are in place to allow someone to access the facilities in a safe and acceptable manner.
- Ensure procedures are in place to clean rooms on a regular basis and after use.
- Liaise with the Secretary to raise any issues or concerns with the council.
- Organise quotes for any maintenance work required other than maintenance work under taken by the council.
- Ensure toilets are clean and adequately stocked on match and training days.
- Ensure Health and Safety requirements are met throughout the facility.
- Reports to the President and General Committee.
- Work with club secretary to bring issues to the attention of the council.
- Work with the Coaching Co-ordinator and Team Coaches/ Managers to determine when access to facilities are required.
- It is the Facilities Manager’s responsibility to ensure that the clubrooms, changing rooms and equipment sheds are able to be accessed for game and training days.
- It is the Facilities Manager’s responsibility to ensure that the clubrooms and changing rooms are cleaned after use.
- It is the Facilities Manager’s responsibility to ensure that all facilities keys can be accounted for.
- The estimated time commitment required for the Facilities Managers is about to 1 hour per week.
- Excellent organisational skills.
- Effective interpersonal skills and able to provide directions on cleaning roles and expectations to others in the club.
- Ability to proactively identify and provide solutions for potential and actual cleaning and maintenance issues.
Are you looking to join the pack?
Mount Waverley City Soccer Club warmly welcomes expressions of interest for individuals or families who wish to contribute their valuable time. With no role more important than another, and no good deed too small, we appreciate your support. Get the ball rolling…we’d love to hear from you![/vc_column_text]