Players who are moving down a grade (from last season) will need to have a conversation (in private and away from peers or at least the offer this opportunity) with the main grading person (who decided it would be in the players best interest to play at a lower grade this season, compared to last season).

This person will need to

  • break the news that they have not made the squad they were hoping to, and then :
    • Offer constructive reasons why this decision was made and what we all (club, coaches, players) can work do moving forward to get them back up to the level they want to play
    • Let them know we are trying to act in their best interest
    • That they will be continually watched and assessed to see if they deserve an opportunity to play at a higher grade,
    • Let them know that we hope they take the spot as we see them as valuable member of the club and hope that the take up the offer
    • Let them know that we don’t want them to leave the club or the sport
    • Let them know that going to another club might not give them what they are looking for
If this cant be done in person, then second option is over the phone, and this needs to be done before teams are officially announced. Using an email in this situation is not an option.